Drink your Coffee!

Perks, Perks, Percolating
Do you need an excuse to keep drinking your coffee? Here are some excuses to keep you drinking but of course like with anything in life, moderation is the key, right? Not necessarily when it comes to coffee. It looks like everything in moderation except coffee!
  • To keep your brain from aging sip three cups daily; boost blood flow to the brain
  •  Drinking coffee all throughout the day can help drop 9 lbs a week
  •   Four cups daily cut 50% chance of developing adult-onset diabetes
  •   Three cups a day make it 20% less likely to get skin cancer
  •  The AHA says 2-5 cups daily lower risk of heart failure by 11%
  •   Coffee drinkers are 50% less likely to develop Parkinson’s disease
So drink your java and for more information about the healing properties of coffee, read Cal Orey book—The Healing Powers of Coffee.